Ynb 2nice Biography, Songs, Videos, and photos

Ynb 2nice Biography, Songs, Videos, and photos is now available on 9ja2nice.com as requested by ynb 2nice management to publish Ynb 2nice Biography, Songs, Videos, and photos.

Onyeweaku Wisdom Ibe Bekee Alias Ynb 2nice is a talented musician, Songwriter, a professional Entertainment Blogger and a Web developer who has made a name for himself in the music industry. He was born on February 15, 1994, in a small town in Nigeria. Growing up, he was always passionate about music and would often spend hours listening to his favorite songs.

At the age of 15, Ynb 2nice started writing his own music and experimenting with different sounds. He was greatly influenced by artists such as Phyno, Wizkid, Davido, and Burna Boy, 2Baba, Rema, who were making waves in the Nigerian music scene at the time.

In 2015, Ynb 2nice decided to pursue a career in music and began performing at local gigs and events. He quickly gained a following and started to attract the attention of music industry insiders.

In 2016, Ynb 2nice released his debut single, “Shoddy Want My Love” featuring Fyne Play, which was a huge success and received widespread acclaim.

This was followed by a string of hit singles, including “Another Man Food“, “Skater” and “Whine It” featuring Melas.

Ynb 2nice’s music is known for its catchy hooks, upbeat rhythms, and relatable lyrics. He often draws inspiration from his own experiences and the experiences of those around him, allowing him to connect with his fans on a deeper level.

Over the years, Ynb 2nice has collaborated with a number of top artists in the Nigerian music industry and has performed at some of the country’s biggest events and festivals.

Today, Ynb 2nice is widely regarded as one of the most exciting and talented young musicians in Nigeria. With his infectious energy and undeniable talent, he is sure to continue making waves in the music industry for many years to come.

Ynb 2nice is a Business man and also the CEO of 260vibes GlobalGaskiya News Online, and other offline Businesses.

You can connect with ynb 2nice on all social media accounts with the below listed details.

E- mail Address:

[email protected].

IG Handles: @kingynb2nice.

All ynb 2nice music is available on all the digital platforms worldwide, you can go to any to check out his tracks.

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