Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth

Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth now available at 9ja2nice web for your info on the Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth as published on celebrity profile category for the Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth.

Who is Cristina Kirchner?

Christina Fernández de Kirchner is a politician and lawyer who formerly served as First Lady to President Néstor Kirchner. She was president of Argentina from 2007 until 2015. Kirchner was accused of fraud, obstructing the court system, and treason following her two terms as president. Kirchner was involved in many corruption scandals while serving as president. She was appointed Argentina’s vice president in 2019.

In this article, 9JA2NICE provides a detailed look into Cristina Kirchner’s early life, career, personal life, and net worth.

Bio Data

Name: Cristina Kirchner
Category: Richest Politicians › Presidents
Net Worth: $115 Million
Date of Birth: Feb 19, 1953
Place of Birth: La Plata
Age: 70 years old
Gender: Female
Nationality: Argentina
Profession: Politician, Lawyer


Eduardo Fernández and Ofelia Esther Wilhelm are the parents of Cristina Elisabet Fernández Wilhelm. Cristina was the wife of Néstor Kirchner, president of Argentina from 2004 to 2007, and was born on February 19, 1953, in La Plata, the provincial capital of Buenos Aires. He nominated Cristina, who took office on December 10, 2007. In 2011, she was chosen to serve a second term.

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She was born to Carlos Wilhelm’s daughter, who is said to be a Volga German immigrant from the Huck colony. Carlos, however, arrived in Buenos Aires in 1929, and records there indicate that he was born in Germany. He didn’t seem to be related to the Volga German Wilhelm family of Urdinarrain in the province of Entre Rios. Please let the webmaster know if there is proof of his Germanic descent from the Volga.

Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth

Cristina Kirchner Biography And Net Worth


Argentina experienced political upheaval during the 1970s. The military junta took over Argentina after the 1976 coup d’état that toppled the country’s then-president Isabel Peron. Cristina Kirchner and her husband relocated to Rio Gallegos, where they practiced law, at this time, from La Plata. After the restoration of democracy in Argentina in 1983, Cristina started her political career. Kirchner attended the 1985 convention of the Justicialist (Peronist) Party (PJ) as a provincial delegate. During this period, her spouse also rose to fame as a politician.

In 1989, she won a seat in the Santa Cruz Provincial Legislature, where she was later re-elected in 1993. She won elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 1997 and the Senate in 1995 to represent Santa Cruz, respectively. In 2001, she went back to the Senate. Nestor Kirchner was vying for the president at this point and had a very successful career. Cristina supported her husband’s presidential bids behind the scenes. In May 2003, her husband was triumphantly sworn in as the leader of Argentina.

Cristina rose to the position of First Lady and represented her husband’s administration as a traveling ambassador. Due to her speaking pattern, she was frequently likened to former First Lady Eva Perón, the second wife of former President Juan Perón. Néstor Kirchner suggested Cristina as his replacement after declining to run for reelection in 2007. She started a tenacious campaign, won, and on December 10th, 2007 she took the oath of office as president of Argentina. She was Argentina’s first elected female president and the country’s second, after Isabel Martnez de Perón.

In 2008, she implemented a new system of agricultural export taxes on a sliding scale that effectively increased charges on soybean exports from 35% to 44%. This severely upset the farmers, which prompted farming groups to stage a national lockout. Violence-filled protests broke out across the nation, and it took some time for things to return to normal. She suffered a popularity hit after this occurrence, but she overcame it. She introduced a universal child benefit program in 2009 with the intention of helping almost five million children and teenagers battle poverty. The initiative was effective in lowering poverty and increasing school enrollment.

Her government finished the debt exchange that her husband Néstor Kirchner had begun in 2005, erasing 92% of the bad debt left over after the country’s sovereign default in 2001. She delivered a speech at the Vancouver, Canada-based International Trade Union Confederation (CSI) Global Summit the same year. She made a historic journey to Peru in March 2010 and attended the bicentennial of Venezuela’s independence festivities in April in an effort to foster good relations with other Latin American nations. Additionally, she inked 25 trade agreements with Venezuela in the fields of energy, technology, and food.

In 2011, she ran for reelection and was again elected. The challenges she faced during her second tenure as president increased. She struggled to contain the increasing inflation that was endangering the Argentine economy. During her time in office, there were also a number of charges of political scandals and corruption, including instances of crony capitalism, manipulation of official data, intimidation of Argentina’s independent media, and use of the tax agency as a vehicle for censorship.

She resigned from her position on December 10, 2015, as she was unable to run for president again in 2015 due to constitutional restrictions.

Major Works

In order to combat poverty, she introduced the universal child benefit plan in October 2009, with the intention of helping almost five million children and teenagers. The initiative increased school attendance and assisted in lowering poverty.

Awards & Achievements

During Cristina Kirchner’s visit to Peru in 2010, President Alan Garcia bestowed upon her the Order of the Sun, the nation’s highest honor.


Several prominent instances occurred during the Fernández de Kirchner presidency. The first incident included the imprisonment of businessman Antonini Wilson, a Venezuelan-American, in an airport when he was discovered in possession of luggage containing $800,000. The Venezuelan government’s oil firm, Petróleos de Venezuela, knowingly gave this funding for her 2007 general election campaign. Businessman Carlos Kauffmann and admittedly guilty attorney Moisés Maiónica gave details of the case.

Another issue was brought about by the FPV funding of the 2007 elections years later. Sebastián Forza, Damián Ferrón, and Leopoldo Bina, three pharmaceutical industry executives, were discovered murdered in 2008; this incident is referred to as the “Triple Crime”. Forza, who gave the campaign $200,000, was found to have supplied ephedrine to the Sinaloa Cartel after further research. Martin Lanatta and José Luis Salerno, who were found guilty of the murders in 2015, said that Anbal Fernández was the head of a mafia ring that gave the orders in order to guarantee the illicit ephedrine trade.

During Kirchnerism, Argentina’s overall illegal drug traffic expanded, with Mexican and Colombian syndicates collaborating with Peruvian and Bolivian smugglers. Money laundering conviction rates were essentially nonexistent. The threat’s “magnitude is very serious, and this would never have been possible without collaboration from government officials in this country,” according to Mariano Federici, head of the Financial Information Unit.

Net Worth

Cristina Kirchner is an Argentinian politician who has a net worth of $115 million.

Personal Life

She met Néstor Kirchner while attending the National University of La Plata, and they were married in 1975. Máximo and Florencia, the couple’s two children, were born. 2010 saw her husband’s passing.


Who is Cristina Kirchner?

Where is Cristina Kirchner from?

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is from La PlataBuenos AiresArgentina.

How Old is Cristina Fernández de Kirchner?

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is 70 Years Old and her Date of Birth is February 19, 1953.

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