Countries with highest human population (See list)

Countries with highest human population (See list) now made available to you all via for your information on the Countries with highest human population (See list).

Nations of the world with the highest populations have been ranked.

The Financial Index in its latest release placed India first among the most populated countries in the world, followed by China, the United States of America, Indonesia and Pakistan making up the top five.

Nigeria is the most populated black nation in the world and ranks 6th globally.

The least populated countries include Iceland with a population of 374,788 197, Seychelles – 107,660 217, Monaco – 36,297, 227, Tuvalu – 11,396, 234 and Vatican – 518

Here’s the list:

1. India – 1,426,409,584
2. China – 1,425,731,257
3. USA – 339,688,556
4. Indonesia – 277,148,717
5. Pakistan -239,693,115
6. Nigeria – 222,914,017
7. Brazil – 216,214,106
8. Bangladesh -172,659,039
9. Russia – 144,528,119
10. Mexico – 128,297,060
12. Japan – 123,405,307
18. Turkey – 85,740,393
19. Germany – 83,300,994
21. UK – 67,698,634
23. France – 64,735,380
24. South Africa – 60,322,787
25. Italy – 58,899,388
29. South Korea – 51,790,420
33. Argentina – 45,725,645
38. Canada – 38,726,161
55. Australia – 26,395,113
72. Netherlands – 17,609,287
87. Sweden – 10,601,484
96. UAE – 9,504,149
100. Austria – 8,955,779
101. Switzerland – 8,787,128
114. Singapore – 6,008,362
115. Denmark – 5,906,142
119. Norway – 5,467,469
168. Luxemburg – 653,708
179. Iceland – 374,788
197. Seychelles – 107,660
217. Monaco – 36,297
227. Tuvalu – 11,396
234. Vatican – 518.

As received and updated by source and

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